Responsible Care

RC is a voluntary initiative undertaken by the global chemical industry. RC represents the activities in which chemical industry business operators engage for the purpose of ensuring the protection of the environment, health, and safety in all business processes from chemical development and manufacturing to distribution, use, disposal, and recycling. Communication between business operators and society is also incorporated into RC. In Japan, related activities are overseen by the Japan Chemical Industry Association’s Responsible Care Committee.

Our company’s RC activities include all operations related to environmental conservation, disaster prevention, occupational safety and health, logistics safety, chemical and product safety, and quality assurance. 1

1 Unless otherwise stated, the scope of this content encompasses Tosoh facilities and group companies in Japan.

Basic Principles Regarding the Environment, Safety, and Health

Tosoh Corporation contributes to the advancement of society through continuous innovation in the field of chemistry, leading ultimately to the supply of products and services that bring customer satisfaction. At the same time, Tosoh will continue to regard environmental protection, safety, and health as top management priorities.

RC Promotional Structure

The Responsible Care Committee, which promotes RC activities, is chaired by the director responsible for the company’s Environment, Safety and Quality Control Division. General managers from Tosoh’s Purchasing and Logistics Division, operating divisions, manufacturing complexes and offices, and research centers serve as members of the committee.

The RC Committee formulates action policies for the company, deliberates, advises, and approves important matters, and devises key measures related to activities. The results of the proceedings and annual action policies of the RC Committee are discussed and approved at Board of Directors meetings.

Based on the Board's approval, the RC Committee devises RC plans for each division and conducts RC activities. The committee gains an understanding of how each division executes those activities during periodic RC Audits. The results will be reflected upon an improvement plan through a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle for the next fiscal year, with the aim of upgrading the activities. 2

The status of activities at individual departments is ascertained through RC Audits, and with the results reflected through the PDCA cycle incorporated in the improvement plan for ensuing fiscal year, we attempt to enhance activities. The results of Tosoh’s RC activities are provided in the annual CSR Report in Japanese, and are further provided to local communities during exchange forums. Key information from the CSR Report is excerpted and translated into English and presented in Tosoh’s online annual report.

2 PDCA: The PDCA cycle is a four-step model for the control and continual improvement of processes and products.

RC Audits

RC Audits are conducted at least once a year at the Nanyo and Yokkaichi Complexes, the Tokyo Research Center, and the Polyurethane Research Laboratory. The purpose of the audits is to ascertain RC activity status and formulate the activity plan for the following fiscal year. In fiscal 2019, our audits focused on the themes of reducing product-related complaints, improving product quality, and enhancing supplier management.

RC Activity Results and Goals

A brief overview of Tosoh's RC activity results and goals is described below. For a more detailed version, please download a copy of the Tosoh Report 2019 Key Data and References here.

Safety and Disaster Prevention and Occupational Safety and Health

Tosoh is focused on creating a safe working environment free of accidents and occupational injuries requiring days away from work. The company has implemented a wide range of safety-related activities to bolster a culture of safety, such as the promotion of countermeasures for earthquakes and tsunami, the reacquisition of high-pressure gas certification and the introduction of several internal safety measures.

Environmental Conservation

Tosoh remains committed toward environmental conservation through efforts to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities and to ensure appropriate management of chemical substances. Tosoh also ensures compliance with mandated regulatory values. 

Chemical and Product Safety

Tosoh complies with domestic and foreign regulations, assesses product safety, and provides product information to customers in its efforts to ensure the safe handling of its chemical products. This year, Tosoh introduced a check system that enables the company to respond accordingly when there are revisions to regulations related to Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or labelling.

Quality Assurance/Pharmaceuticals

In addition to observing product-related laws and regulation, Tosoh continually strive to ensure the supply of safe, secure, high-quality products to our customers. We are constantly working to improve the quality of our products through the strengthening of internal processes and systems. The Nanyo and Yokkaichi Complexes have successfully migrated to the ISO9001:2015 system. 

Logistics Safety

Tosoh conducts various initiatives to ensure the safe transportation of products that takes the environment into consideration. We are constantly working to maintain and improve our logistics functions while promoting the development of environmentally friendly operations. Tosoh aims to reduce the number of logistics incidents and will continue to conduct follow-ups to ensure the prevention of recurring incidents. 

Public Dialogue

Tosoh recognizes the importance of building relationships of trust with its stakeholders and has proactively engaged in efforts to promote mutual understanding through dialogue.

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