About the Tosoh Group

Editorial policy

In 2019, the name of the annual report was changed to Tosoh Report for the benefit of our investors and other stakeholders. Our goal is to provide an easy-to-understand overview of the Tosoh Group's efforts to enhance corporate value over the medium and long term.

This report presents financial information such as the Tosoh Group's management strategies for sustainable growth, business overview, and business performance, as well as nonfinancial information such as specific initiatives related to key CSR issues, in an integrated and concise manner. We hope that you will find this information useful in understanding the Tosoh Group. Detailed data and CSR-related initiatives are stated on this website.


  • GRI Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
  • SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards
  • ISO 26000
  • Japan Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018
  • Japan Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005
  • Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation

Scope of report

Unless otherwise stated, this report covers Tosoh Corporation on a nonconsolidated basis. Financial information, however, is presented on a consolidated basis.

Reporting period

April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022 (some information from April 2022 onward is included)

Additional information

Our website is open for public view in order to enable stakeholders to better understand the business activities of the Tosoh Group. Tosoh's corporate information is available through brochures and videos. We will continue to communicate with our stakeholders with the aim of further enhancing our corporate value.

Notes on forward-looking statements

The Tosoh Report contains forward-looking statements about the Tosoh Group's past and present facts as well as plans, strategies, and financial outlook based on information currently available to the company. The forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and performance to differ materially from those described.