Tosoh Corporate Colors

Tosoh communications are made more recognizable and consistent by using the corporate color palette below.

The palette table below lists colors by color name, their RGB and CMYK color model codes, and hexadecimal (6-digit) color code.

Tosoh Red

Tosoh Red
RGB R227G3B45
CMYK C0M100Y80K0
HEX #E3032D

Secondary Colors
Designed to complement Tosoh Red

Color Name Tosoh Teal Tosoh Navy Tosoh Cobalt Tosoh Yellow Warm Gray Gray Spectrum
RGB R0G146B146 R0G85B127 R0G59B85 R255G212B0 R190G183B169 R225G225B225 ~ R0G0B0
CMYK C82M22Y45K0 C100M18Y0K51 C100M0Y0K76 C0M15Y96K0 C15M15Y24K20 C0M0Y0K10 ~ C0M0Y0K100
HEX #009292 #00557F #003B55 #FFD400 #BEB7A9 #E1E1E1 ~ #000000

Complementary Colors
To be used for accentuation and not to take up more than 5% of total page space
Color Name White Teal Light Teal Dark Teal Grass Green Apple Green Forest Green
RGB R187G220B218 R92G172B167 R0G120B115 R159G196B24 R23G165B56 R24G98B27
CMYK C31M2Y17K0 C65M13Y38K0 C100M25Y57K10 C46M0Y100K0 C80M0Y100K0 C88M35Y100K30
HEX #BBDCDA #5CACA7 #007873 #9FC418 #03A500 #16612C

Color Name Light Purple Medium Purple Dark Purple White Yellow Pale Yellow Dark Yellow
RGB R163G90B138 R130G30B107 R98G30B74 R237G232B225 R255G230B134 R197G154B0
CMYK C31M70Y14K3 C56M100Y18K4 C64M100Y43K27 C8M8Y12K0 C0M8Y57K0 C10M30Y100K20
HEX #A35A8A #821E6B #621E4A #EDE8E1 #FFE686 #C59A00